An Invitation to Replace Sorrow with Peace
Register for a retreatHealing broken hearts one weekend at a time.
Welcome to Rachel’s Vineyard of Pittsburgh
Traditionally, the silent suffering of an abortion has been a well-kept secret. The unresolved grief and loss can weigh heavily on a person’s heart and well-being. Rachel’s Vineyard of Pittsburgh offers a weekend retreat to help women and men address the painful issues associated with abortion and find forgiveness, healing, and peace.
A Message from Your Retreat Facilitator
“I’m glad you found Rachel’s Vineyard of Pittsburgh. This is a safe and loving place to address the wounds of abortion. Our team consists of different people with varying ages and backgrounds, but we all share a love for God and a love for this ministry. You can expect confidentiality and acceptance and will always receive compassion and honesty from us. We are humbled and honored to serve and hope to meet you in person.”
Toni Jester, Retreat Facilitator

Experience Our Weekend Retreat

Our Promise Is God’s Promise
We do not cast stones or pass judgement. We promise a welcoming, emotionally safe and confidential experience for all people and faiths.

We Are a Ministry to Heal Broken Hearts

You Are Not Alone
Are you ready to replace sorrow, regret, and pain with acceptance, hope, and closure?